

"I consider lace to be one of the most beautiful imitations of nature's imagination."

Coco Chanel
The trends of this spring are determined. Fashion designers and world fashion houses choose lace. Whether it's dresses, blouses, or overalls - this immortal pattern 
will rule the beginning of warm weather in our area as well. And we at Enemiq always keep up with fashion trends! So we have lace for you too. However, we will tell
you what lace is, how it was created and how to best combine it with the rest of your clothes in our new article.

What is lace?

Lace is a fine web-like fabric that textile makers can create using a wide variety of techniques. Different types of lace, which differ significantly in their complexity, 
are commonly used to highlight or decorate clothing, upholstery, but also household items. But did you know that only very rarely is this fabric used to make entire
textile products? Traditionally, lace was usually made of silk or linen threads, and some textile craftsmen even made this fabric with gold or silver threads. But that is ancient history,
and since the days of kings and nobility are long behind us, cotton has become the most popular fabric for its production. Of course, some manufacturers also use
cheaper synthetic fibers, such as polyester, or traditional, man-made, textile fibers to make lace. Lace, however, is not just such a common fabric technique, and
therefore you will not find it in a high-quality version at very cheap prices. It is valued for its delicacy, technical sophistication and complexity, thanks to which it has
been associated with feminine sensuality and beauty for centuries. And that is why it has become immortal and is still a common part of women's clothing,
including underwear.

The history of lace

It is very interesting that to this day historians still cannot agree on the country of its origin. Indeed, ancient Egyptian burial clothing often contained ornamental, 
openwork and lace-like fabrics that were common throughout the Middle East before the Renaissance. However, from the 15th century, genuine lace began to
appear in Flemish and Italian paintings, so lace experts assume that this fabric originated from one of these two nations. For example, bobbin lace appears to
be a fabric of Flemish origin, and needle lace most likely originated in Italy. In the middle of the 16th century, lace became a popular fabric throughout Europe
and appeared more often and prominently, mainly in Renaissance paintings. Whether you want to feel like the immortal Nefertiti or Botticelli's Venus, you don't
have to solve this complicated, historical question on the Enemiq website.

In the early 19th century, the Industrial Revolution brought many previously unthinkable advances in textile production, including machines that automated the 
lace-making process. As a result, lace became considerably cheaper, and in the 1840s it was widely used again in women's fashion.
Despite the indisputable simplicity and efficiency of machine lace production, manual lace production remained relatively widespread until the beginning
of the 20th century. By the middle of the century, the art of lace had been adopted by nations all over the world, and the once exclusively European textile
tradition had become global. And that's why lace has become one of the most intricate and sublime fabrics in the fashion industry.

Lace of the Present

One category of formal wear where lace has retained its importance is mainly wedding and formal dresses. The more lace there is on this type of dress, the more 
complex, more beautiful and, above all, more expensive it is. You would have to look for a really long time if you wanted to find a luxurious formal dress that did
not contain at least a piece of lace. Somewhat paradoxically, underwear is the only other major clothing category that still features rich lace. Lace is commonly found on women's bras and panties,
and is also a common part of more complex lingerie sets. However, since we really want to satisfy your hunger for luxury, in the Enemiq range you will find perfect
lace combinations not only on dresses, but also on our stylish sets and romantic blouses. You can buy high-quality and at the same time sustainable lace
fabric from us at low prices.

Choose your lace at

And not to talk about lace, below you can choose from a really wide range of trendy women's pieces that contain it. Since lace is usually quite expensive due to its 
aforementioned complexity, the price of lace varies depending on how it is made and the materials it contains. On our Enemiq website you will find
affordable lace, which is made from sustainable synthetic, eco-materials - but its appearance and comfort are indistinguishable from laces at price levels that
not every woman can afford.
Bet on femininity and complexity and buy lace that highlights your personality. Do not forget that the main philosophy of the Enemiq brand is the effort to discover 
your unique Self. Therefore, choose a lace in which you will feel original, comfortable, but above all feminine. Follow us on our Instagram and you will
get an overview of all current news, discounts and promotions.